Can You Detox From Kratom?


Kratom is a plant that grows in Southeast Asia. It’s been used for centuries as an herbal remedy and to reduce pain and stress. Many people use kratom for the same reason: It’s useful for managing chronic pain, opioid withdrawal symptoms, anxiety, and depression and as a way to get high. People who use kratom often do so casually — it’s not a common drug of choice. However, some people use kratom in bigger quantities or for longer periods of time than others. The results can be catastrophic if you have an underlying condition that might be triggered by this plant. In this article, we address how dangerous kratom is if you take it daily and outline how to safely detox from it.

Table of Contents

  • How Is Kratom Used?
  • Signs of Withdrawal
  • How to Detox From Kratom
  • What Happens During Kratom Detox?
  • Can You Really Detox From Kratom?
  • Wrapping Up

How Is Kratom Used?

Kratom is often used as a way to get high. It has an opioid-like effect that is usually felt when you take it, but this can be avoided. Kratom is often taken in the form of a pill or powder. It’s also sometimes smoked or brewed into tea. Because kratom has an opioid-like effect, it’s addictive, and people will continue to use it even though they may not realize the dangers of this plant. Another common way to use kratom is as a pain reliever. Kratom gives relief from chronic pain and can actually reduce your withdrawal symptoms by as much as 45 percent. However, because many people are abusing kratom for the same reason, there’s a risk of addiction and dependence on this herb if you don’t take measures to safely detox from it.

Signs of Withdrawal

Kratom withdrawal can be a difficult process. In small doses, kratom has no noticeable impact on the user. However, if you take more of this plant than what is recommended, you may experience mild symptoms. These symptoms include agitation, restlessness, and anxiety. In more serious cases, your body may become overwhelmed with feelings of anger and agitation. It’s important to note that these symptoms usually only last for a few days after regular use, but they can be alarming if you don’t know how to manage them. Withdrawal symptoms typically begin 8-12 hours after your last dose of kratom. If you want to reduce the intensity of the withdrawal process, it is best to slowly taper off your usage over a period of time rather than stop all at once.

How to Detox From Kratom

There are a few ways to detox from kratom. If you’re not interested in trying any of them, the most effective method is quitting cold turkey. Other options include gradually reducing your intake or taking medication that will help you withdraw. The safest way to detox from kratom is to use medications that have been approved by the FDA for this purpose.

What Happens During Kratom Detox?

During your kratom detox, you will experience a number of symptoms that are quite uncomfortable. The first and most obvious symptom is diarrhea. You’ll be experiencing it so much that you might feel like you’re constantly on the toilet. Another symptom many people have is constipation. It can be hard to go to the bathroom when your body isn’t used to it. Sometimes your body will even reject food during this time if you have been taking high amounts of kratom daily. There are several other side effects as well, but these are the most common ones.

Can You Really Detox From Kratom?

Kratom is a plant that doesn’t have any documented toxicity. The leaves, roots, and extracts of the herb can be used as a natural remedy. But you should avoid using it if you’re taking prescription medication or if you have a medical condition that might trigger an adverse reaction. There are some people who use kratom daily to assist with pain management and anxiety relief. This is dangerous because their body doesn’t know when to stop — it could take them days or weeks to detox from this plant. The symptoms are usually severe dehydration, tremors, seizures, and delirium.
If you’re going to use kratom on a regular basis, we recommend limiting your intake to less than three times per week, so your body has time to recover before the next dose of kratom is ingested. If you don’t want to stop using kratom altogether but want to minimize risks associated with its usage, try ingesting smaller doses of the herb throughout the day instead of waiting for every few hours or days.

Wrapping Up

Kratom is an herbal remedy that has been used for centuries. It’s often used as a recreational drug, and many people use it to manage chronic pain, opioid withdrawal symptoms, anxiety, depression and more. However, some people use kratom in bigger quantities or for longer periods of time than others. The results can be catastrophic if you have an underlying condition that might be triggered by this plant.

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