ACH Error Code R33 - What is this?

ACH code R33 refers to the Return of Erroneous Debit Entry. This code is used by receiving depository financial institutions (RDFIs) to return an ACH debit entry to the originating depository financial institution (ODFI) because the entrance was incorrect, was not authorized by the receiver, or was a duplicate entry.
This code is used when the RDFI determines that the debit entry was not authorized by the account holder or was a duplicate entry. For example, suppose a company mistakenly debits an incorrect amount from a customer’s account or debits the account without proper authorization. In that case, the RDFI can use this code to return the entry to the ODFI for correction.
The R33 code is part of the NACHA Operating Rules, which govern the ACH network in the United States. This code ensures that ACH transactions are handled appropriately and that account holders are protected from unauthorized or erroneous debits.
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