ACH Reason Codes

ACH reason codes are used to describe the reason for a transaction in the ACH network, which is a system for processing electronic financial transactions in the United States.
ACH transactions include direct deposit of payroll and social security payments, automatic bill payments, and other types of electronic payments.
Each ACH transaction includes a reason code that describes the purpose of the transaction.
These codes are used by financial institutions to understand the context of the transaction and to ensure that it is processed correctly.
Some common ACH reason codes include:
R01 - Insufficient Funds: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the account did not have sufficient funds to cover the amount of the transaction.
R03 - No Account/Unable to Locate Account: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the financial institution was unable to locate the account associated with the transaction.
R04 - Invalid Account Number: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the account number provided was not a valid account.
R05 - Unauthorized Debit to Consumer Account Using Corporate SEC Code: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because it was an unauthorized debit to a consumer account using a corporate SEC (Standard Entry Class) code.
R07 - Authorization Revoked by Customer: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the customer had revoked the authorization for the transaction.
R10 - Customer Advises Not Authorized: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the customer advised the financial institution that the transaction was not authorized.
R11 - Check Truncation Entry Return: This code is used when a check truncation entry (a check that has been converted to electronic form) is returned.
R12 - Branch Sold to Another DFI: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the branch where the account is held has been sold to another financial institution.
R13 - Invalid ACH Routing Number: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the ACH routing number (a 9-digit code that identifies the financial institution) was not valid.
R14 - Representment Amount Exceeds Original Entry Amount: This code is used when the amount of a representment (a request to process a transaction again after it has been returned) exceeds the original amount of the entry.
R15 - Return of XCK Entry: This code indicates that the transaction was a check entry that has been returned.
R20 - Non-Transaction Account: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the account is not a transaction account (e.g., it is a savings account).
R21 - Invalid Company Identification: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the company identification provided was not valid.
R22 - Invalid Individual ID Number: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the individual ID number provided was not valid.
R23 - Credit Entry Refused by Receiver: This code indicates that the transaction was a credit entry (a transfer of funds into an account) that was refused by the receiver.
R24 - Duplicate Entry: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because it was a duplicate of a previously processed entry.
R29 - Corporate Customer Advises Not Authorized: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the corporate customer advised the financial institution that the transaction was not authorized.
R31 - Permissible Return Entry (CCD and CTX only): This code is used when a return entry is permitted for a CCD (Corporate Credit or Debit) or CTX (Corporate Trade Exchange) transaction.
R33 - Return of Erroneous Debit Entry: This code indicates that the transaction was a debit entry (a transfer of funds out of an account) that was returned because it was erroneous.
R34 - Return of Erroneous Credit Entry: This code indicates that the transaction was a credit entry that was returned because it was erroneous.
R35 - Return of Improper Debit Entry: This code indicates that the transaction was a debit entry that was returned because it was improper.
R36 - Return of Improper Credit Entry: This code indicates that the transaction was a credit entry that was returned because it was improper.
R37 - Source Document Presented for Payment: This code is used when the source document (e.g., a check) for a transaction is presented for payment.
R38 - Stop Payment on Source Document: This code is used when a stop payment order has been placed on the source document (e.g., a check) for a transaction.
R39 - Improper Negative Credit Entry: This code indicates that the transaction was a negative credit entry (a transfer of funds out of an account) that was improper.
R40 - Return of Envelope Containing Credit Entry: This code is used when the envelope containing a credit entry is returned.
R41 - Non-Acceptance of Bank Draft: This code is used when a bank draft (a type of check) is not accepted.
R42 - Return of Bank Draft: This code is used when a bank draft is returned.
R43 - Non-Acceptance of Cash Letter Credit: This code is used when a cash letter credit (a credit entry that is part of a cash letter) is not accepted.
R44 - Return of Cash Letter Credit: This code is used when a cash letter credit is returned.
R45 - Account Closed: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the account was closed.
R46 - No Such Account: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the financial institution was unable to locate the account associated with the transaction.
R51 - Not sufficient funds: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the account did not have sufficient funds to cover the amount of the transaction.
R52 - No checking account: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the account is not a checking account.
R53 - No savings account: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the account is not a savings account.
R54 - Incorrect account number: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the account number provided was not correct.
R55 - Incorrect routing number: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the routing number (a 9-digit code that identifies the financial institution) provided was not correct.
R56 - Incorrect bank account information: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the bank account information provided was not correct.
R57 - Incorrect transaction code: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the transaction code (a code that specifies the type of transaction) was not correct.
R58 - Incorrect ABA number: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the ABA number (a routing number for a financial institution) was not correct.
R59 - Incorrect bank name: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the bank name provided was not correct.
R60 - Invalid transaction: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because it was invalid.
R61 - Unauthorized debit to consumer account: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because it was an unauthorized debit to a consumer account.
R62 - Invalid company identification: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the company identification provided was not valid.
R63 - Invalid individual ID number: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the individual ID number provided was not valid.
R64 - Invalid individual name/address: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the individual name or address provided was not valid.
R65 - Credit entry refused by receiver: This code indicates that the transaction was a credit entry that was refused by the receiver.
R66 - Return of XCK entry: This code indicates that the transaction was a check entry that has been returned.
R67 - Invalid account number: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the account number provided was not a valid account.
R68 - Stale-dated check: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the check used as the source document was stale-dated (more than six months old).
R69 - Stop payment on check: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because a stop payment order had been placed on the check used as the source document.
R70 - Invalid ACH routing number: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the ACH routing number was not valid.
R71 - Incorrect ACH routing number: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the ACH routing number provided was not correct.
R72 - Incorrect transaction code: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the transaction code was not correct.
R73 - Invalid ACH routing number and account number combination: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the combination of the ACH routing number and account number was not valid.
R74 - Incorrect ACH routing number and account number combination: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the combination of the ACH routing number and account number provided was not correct.
R75 - Incorrect transaction amount: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the transaction amount was not correct.
R76 - Incorrect company identification: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the company identification provided was not correct.
R77 - Incorrect individual ID number: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the individual ID number provided was not correct.
R78 - Incorrect individual name/address: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the individual name or address provided was not correct.
R79 - Credit entry refused by receiver: This code indicates that the transaction was a credit entry that was refused by the receiver.
R80 - Incorrect trace number: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the trace number (a unique number assigned to an ACH entry that helps to identify it) was not correct.
R81 - Invalid trace number: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the trace number was not valid.
R82 - Invalid ACH routing number and account number combination: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the combination of the ACH routing number and account number was not valid.
R83 - Incorrect ACH routing number and account number combination: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the combination of the ACH routing number and account number provided was not correct.
R84 - Invalid transaction amount: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the transaction amount was not valid.
R85 - Invalid company identification: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the company identification provided was not valid.
R86 - Invalid individual ID number: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the individual ID number provided was not valid.
R87 - Invalid individual name/address: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the individual name or address provided was not valid.
R88 - Credit entry refused by receiver: This code indicates that the transaction was a credit entry that was refused by the receiver.
R89 - Incorrect transaction amount: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the transaction amount was not correct.
R90 - Incorrect trace number: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the trace number was not correct.
R91 - Invalid trace number: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the trace number was not valid.
R92 - Invalid account number: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the account number provided was not a valid account.
R93 - Invalid ACH routing number: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the ACH routing number was not valid.
R94 - Incorrect ACH routing number: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the ACH routing number provided was not correct.
R95 - Invalid transaction code: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the transaction code was not valid.
R96 - Invalid company identification: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the company identification provided was not valid.
R97 - Invalid individual ID number: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the individual ID number provided was not valid.
R98 - Invalid individual name/address: This code indicates that the transaction was returned because the individual name or address provided was not valid.
R99 - Credit entry refused by receiver: This code indicates that the transaction was a credit entry that was refused by the receiver.
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