Gateway Rejected AVS


Your bank rejected your AVS. This means that the billing address provided to us by your card issuer did not match the address on file with them, which is required by our fraud prevention processes. To complete this purchase, please update your billing address in your Merchant Control Panel.

Transaction declined because of one or more of these reasons:

  • Your card issuer declined the transaction because of 1 or more of these reasons:

  • AVS did not match.

  • CVV2 number was not provided or was invalid.

  • Insufficient funds in the account.

The AVS (Address Verification System) did not match.

Please check that the address matches your billing address on file; if not, you will need to update your billing address in your Merchant Control Panel.

  • Check your billing address is correct. If it’s not, you will need to update it in your Merchant Control Panel.

  • Check the address you’re trying to charge correctly. The address must match exactly what is on file with the card’s issuing bank (this can be found by logging into your account with them). If it doesn’t match exactly, the transaction will fail, which could also be why our gateway rejected your AVS.

  • Check that the gateway has all the information correctly entered (first name/last name, street number/street name etc.)

The CVV2 number was not provided or was invalid.

If you’re seeing this error message, your card issuer has not yet provided a CVV2 number for your credit card. The most likely reason for this is that you have a brand new account with the bank and haven’t yet activated your card. In other cases, it may be because the bank is still processing your request to add the CVV2 number to its database.

To resolve this issue:

  • Contact [your bank](https://www.banknamehere) customer service department and ask them to provide you with an updated CVV2 code

  • Please provide them with the last four digits of your social security number (SSN)

There are insufficient funds in the account.

If you have the correct details but your card is still rejected, there are a few things to check.

You should check your bank balance and ensure that you have enough money to cover the transaction’s cost. If you don’t have enough funds and attempt to pay with a credit card anyway, then it’s likely that your transaction will be rejected.

If this is the case, ask yourself: did I exceed my limit? Is there anything suspicious about my statement? Is there a pending charge that I didn’t approve? These are all legitimate reasons for an AVS mismatch (billing address not matching). Sometimes banks will automatically reject payments with specific payment processors without sending them through as declines; this may be because they feel like what was being sold was too high-risk or because they have other suspicions about it (e.g., if someone at Visa told them not to allow many transactions from one merchant due to possible fraud). If all of these seem unlikely and yet nothing else has changed recently.

You’ll need to contact your bank.

If you still encounter a Gateway Rejected AVS error, you may need to contact your bank and have them update specific details on your account. This can include the following:

  • Address: If the billing address on your card does not match what is on file with the bank, the system may reject it.

  • Card number: Make sure that any numbers or letters set off by dashes are included in this field; if they aren’t there, an error message may pop up when trying to complete a purchase online.

  • CVV2 code: The three-digit code printed on the back of every credit or debit card can also be used as an additional protection measure for sites accepting cards online (often along with PIN or signature verification). Suppose the number doesn’t match what’s stored in their database and returned from MasterCard Secure Code (a service offering similar protection). In that case, it could cause problems when attempting transactions through their website(s).


The AVS is a method of verifying the address on file with your billing address when processing transactions. We can’t confirm if this was an error on your part or not, so we have no way of knowing what caused this issue. Please check that the address matches your billing address on file; if not, you will need to update your billing address in your Merchant Control Panel.

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