How To Stop Merchant Services Calls!

When you own a business, you expect to have occasional hiccups and bumps in the road. After all, running a business takes hard work and constant vigilance. But what you don’t expect is for your business to suffer from hiccups and bumps in the road as much as it does. The good news is that most of these hiccups and bumps can be fixed with a few simple solutions. With that said, let’s talk about one of the biggest hurdles you face when starting your business: the incessant calls from Merchant Services providers who want to lock down your financial services so they can begin providing them to their clients. When you own a merchant account or other type of financial services provider, such as banking or prepaid credit cards, it’s important to protect your account from fraudsters who pretend they are you in order to take money out of your business account. The problem is, there are so many companies out there offering Merchant Services that most businesses end up getting calls left and right unnecessarily. This makes it even harder for new businesses to get started since every single unsolicited call causes unnecessary stress and strain on their limited resources. It doesn’t help that these calls often come at inconvenient times either — especially when you’re trying to run a small business during non-peak hours like afternoons or weekends instead of evenings or early mornings when most merchants have access to financial services providers anyway if they need them.
How To Stop Merchant Services Calls!##
The solution to this is simple. The best way to stop these pesky calls from happening is to establish a relationship with one company that can provide your Merchant Services. This will allow them to have access to your account and know what they’re doing, which will make it much easier for you to prevent these calls in the future. The other option is what I call “networking out of the box”. When you don’t have enough time in your day or it just isn’t feasible for you to set up a direct relationship with a Merchant Service provider, you can use a referral service like which provides referrals for all kinds of financial services providers for free!
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Stop Calling During Peak Hours
The easiest way to avoid these calls is by simply not calling during peak hours. That’s right — if you have a business and are looking to sign up for Merchant Services, do it when the business is closed or non-peak hours. By doing this, you can rest assured that your request will be handled without interruption on the days and times when your merchant account is most convenient for providers to reach you. And who knows? Maybe you’ll find that the provider only needs to speak with you in person instead of making a call! And speaking of in-person meetings, another great way to avoid these calls is by meeting with providers face-to-face instead of making unsolicited phone calls. You’ll be able to ask questions in an environment where both parties can comfortably communicate without any interruptions.
Be Selective With Your Service Provider Searches
When you need to look for a Merchant Service provider, it’s important to be selective and find the best fit for your business. You can do this by checking out their website, visiting their social media page, or looking through testimonials from clients. Once you have found a company that checks all of these boxes and more, trust your gut and decide if they are worthy enough to become your service provider. If they sound like a good fit for your company, ask them about their current policies on spam calls or check with them about how many spam calls you receive each month. If they have no policy in place, consider passing them over as a potential service provider option until they work out an appropriate policy for conducting themselves appropriately in light of the overwhelming number of legitimate inquiries and customers that come through their doors.
Set Up A Trap For The Fraudsters!
Thankfully, there are a few simple solutions that can make it easier for you to set up a trap for the fraudsters and protect your business from these unwanted calls. First, try asking the caller for their name and phone number. This is crucial because you’ll be able to see who you’re talking to, and maybe even track down their company in the event that they misrepresent themselves as your competitors or someone else who might steal your business and not give it back. Next, ask them if they are calling on behalf of your bank. If they aren’t, then politely decline their services. You’ll be able to continue with business as usual while they find someone else to take away their business instead. Finally, if they insist on giving themselves a shot at your account despite all of this, prepare yourself as best you can by locking down your business account before they have a chance to misuse it: blocking any suspicious activity right away; changing passwords regularly; making sure you always have access to information like debit card routing numbers or transaction logs so you can see what’s going on with your account when something goes wrong — so that you know what’s happening in real time without having to call anyone else!
They’re always getting calls from new merchants, wondering what’s the best way to set up Merchant Services. The problem is, these calls come during peak hours, when you’re busy with your business and there are lots of people on the line. You can’t stop them without cutting down on your own calls. Here are our suggestions for how to stop merchant services calls:
1. Stop calling during peak hours 2. Be selective with your service provider searches 3. Set up a trap for the fraudsters!
What are the consequences of not securing merchant services?
When you own a business, you expect to have occasional hiccups and bumps in the road. After all, running a business takes hard work and constant vigilance. But what you don’t expect is for your business to suffer from hiccups and bumps in the road as much as it does. The good news is that most of these hiccups and bumps can be fixed with a few simple solutions. With that said, let’s talk about one of the biggest hurdles you face when starting your business: the incessant calls from Merchant Services providers who want to lock down your financial services so they can begin providing them to the public.
The first thing to remember is that you don’t have to do this.
If you choose to, you can open up your own bank account by yourself. There are plenty of online resources out there that will help you through this process. Once you open up your own account, you can use a service like Venmo or Google Pay to accept payments from your customers on your website or through email. This way, your customers can pay for their purchases directly from their phone or computer without ever needing to access your merchant account credentials through an external app or website.
If this process is too complicated for you (or if it simply doesn’t fit into your business model), then there are still other options available for you.
One of them is splitting up the payment processing between two different companies (usually called “receiving” and “transmitting” companies). You would then use a service like or 2Checkout to accept payments on one end and transmit them through an API or gateway on the other end.
Another option is getting an aggregator company like PulseSend or UBEREZONEY to service both ends of the processing chain for you. These companies will have relationships with all of the major payment processors as well as fraud detection systems like Stripe Connect so they can offer more reliable, secure processing services than an individual merchant could hope to achieve on their own.
What are the causes of not securing merchant services?
Perhaps the most common reason for business owners to rethink their merchant services strategy is when the phone rings and it’s Merchant Services asking for business. The problem with this is that if you’re not set up properly, Merchant Services fees can quickly eat into your profits, leaving you in a precarious position. One way to avoid this is to make sure that your payments processor has set up an acceptable use policy (AUP) for your business. This will ensure that you don’t run afoul of any payment processing terms and conditions.
How can you secure merchant services?
It can be difficult to secure Merchant Services initially, particularly if you are a small business. There are a number of factors that will play into whether or not you can secure Merchant Services. Firstly, the provider that you choose will play a significant role. If they are willing to work with a small business, then they will likely have better rates and rates that are more favourable to your business. However, even if they offer the best rates and rates that are more favourable to your business, you may still not be able to secure Merchant Services if they do not trust you. If they do not trust you, then they may require additional security measures such as performing an ACH transfer or verification process before you can begin receiving payments. If this is the case, then it may be difficult for you to secure Merchant Services because it requires a lot of additional work on your part. In order to resolve this issue, your best bet is to research the company who is providing Merchant Services for other small businesses in your area and see if there are any connections or recommendations that you could use.
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