Signature Panel Code


You must be aware of the signature panel code for those who have a credit card. The signature panel code is a three-digit identification number printed on every credit card’s backside. It can be seen by any person who looks at the signature panel on your credit card. It is generally located near the expiration date on your card. This section will explain to you what it means and how it can help identify your credit card from others, as well as help confirm whether it has been used fraudulently.

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A signature panel code is a three-digit code assigned to each credit card number

A signature panel code is a three-digit code assigned to each credit card number. It’s printed on the back of your credit card or the front if you have a chip card.

If you see an error message that says “No Signature Panel Code” or “Signature Panel Code Invalid,” your bank doesn’t accept Apple Pay at that store. This could happen for many reasons—for example, your account might be too new for Apple Pay, or you might not have added your card yet—but it’s usually worth checking with your bank first before assuming that this is an issue with Apple Pay itself.

What does it mean?

As you know, it’s essential to keep your credit card information safe and secure—including how you store your card with all its numbers and symbols printed on it! To help combat fraud, Visa has come up with an easy way for merchants to verify that cards are authentic by checking their signature panels

The code can be found in three places: one above the embossed account number, one on the signature panel itself, and one below the embossed account number but above any magnetic stripe encoding data if present.

Digit Significance

The first digit of the signature panel code signifies whether a credit card has been issued by an airline (1 or 2), a bank or financial institution (3, 4, 5, or 6), or a merchandising or manufacturing company (7, 8, or 9). The second and third digits indicate which country issues the card. For example, if you see a Visa credit card with a signature panel code starting with 41 instead of 40, this merchant is based in Germany.

The second and third digits of the signature panel code signify the country where the card was issued. The first digit indicates whether the card is issued by an airline, a bank or financial institution, or a merchandising or manufacturing company.

The Signature Panel Code is a three-digit identification number printed on every credit card’s backside.

The Signature Panel Code is a three-digit identification number printed on every credit card’s backside.

The numbers are usually located in the top-right corner of your card and can be used to help verify that it’s real.


The Signature Panel Code is a three-digit identification number printed on every credit card’s back side. This code helps you identify the issuer of any particular credit card. The first digit signifies whether a card has been issued by an airline (1 or 2), bank or financial institution (3, 4, 5 or 6), merchandising or manufacturing company (7, 8 or 9). The second and third digits signify the country where it was issued.

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